
Monterey Bay Eye Center is rated 5 out of 5.0 based on 201 ratings.

Excellent exam, very thorough. I highly recommend the Monterey Bay Eye Center.
gymrat E
miroslaw kozicki
Michael Ferguson
dr nakagima is great! As is the staff!
Alexandra Albin
Dr Rosenblum is an exceptionally knowledgable doctor. Highly recommend him.
Rudy Wy
Suzan Fine
Appointment was on time. Everything was explained well. Dr. Hustead is experienced and knowledgeable. I highly recommend the Monterey Bay Eye Center.
Michael Dove
Very efficient office and I was welcomed as a new patient. Dr. Husted was excellent and addressed my concerns and answered every question.
Jed Leonard
Fast, efficient, and friendly service. And Dr.Husted is the best!
Fred Scot Pope
Lynn Ashley

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